colette lettieri - divorce coach

Working with colette as an divorce coach

On My Own - A Journey Back to You


Getting divorced is not easy. Not only is it time-consuming, but it is  also extremely challenging. It can have a grave impact on one’s emotional health. In addition to affecting the couple, every touch point of life is impacted including the couple’s nuclear family, extended family, friendships, and even their work environments. Many people suffer from an emotional fatigue during the process, and in the months to years that follow because they did not have the proper support throughout their divorce process and during the initial time that followed. 

Empowering Your Post-Divorce Journey

Feelings can become difficult to manage. Clients have reported an inability to think rationally, stating they were caught up in a cyclone of emotions that lead to personal and financial mistakes in their divorce. Others have struggled with holding boundaries and engaging in unnecessary battles long after their divorce was finalized. By working with a divorce coach during or after a divorce,  you will be able to script your own  strategies to help you achieve the best possible outcomes in a post-divorce life. You will gain a built-in support system to help ease tension, anxiety and reduce unnecessary drama during the entire process. 

Gaining Strength and Clarity in the Journey to Personal and Family Wellness

As your empowerment coach, we will focus on maintaining your power and strengthening that power over time. I offer an unbiased point of view and hope to be a voice of reason when emotions are raw. Working together, we will aim for clarity, efficient ways of obtaining and completing all necessary documentation, and customizing everything from creative parenting plans to simply listening.


colette - divorce coach

Fierce Advocacy and Compassionate Guidance

As an empowerment coach I can be used to support you through your divorce because I am a fierce advocate. I’m a compassionate listener and I’m dedicated. I am here to get you back to being the best version of yourself. As a result, you will remember the importance of standing proudly behind your new title. We will work together through self-care regimens and adjusting your new life/patterns/routines with profound respect for yourself, and the choices you have made to get to this next chapter. We will explore the opportunities that are ahead and learn to fall up in this process. 

The story of you in fact continues….